XIIWastes of Manors and Lands subject to indefinite Common Rights at all Times not to be inclosed without previous Direction of Parliament.

Provided always, and be it enacted, That no Waste Land of any Manor on which the Tenants of such Manor have Rights of Common, nor any Land whatsoever subject to Rights of Common which may be exercised at all Times of every Year, for Cattle levant and couchant upon other Land, or to any Rights of Common which may be exercised at all Times of every Year, and which shall not be limited by Number or Stints, shall be inclosed under this Act without the previous Authority of Parliament in each particular Case, as herein-after provided; provided also, that neither this Act, nor anything which may be done under or by virtue, thereof, shall authorize to be made any Embankment, Erection, or Encroachment without the Consent of the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and where the Consent of any Grantee of the Office of Admiral or Vice Admiral might have been required by Law if this Act had not been passed, the Consent also of such Grantee, in or upon the Shore of any Harbour, or the Bank of any navigable River so far as the Tide flows up the same, or shall give to or confer upon any Person any Right, Title, Estate, or Interest to or in any such Embankment, Erection, or Encroachment already made other than what he may legally have at the Time of the passing of this Act, or confer upon any Person whatsoever any Right, Title, Estate, or Interest whatsoever in any Lands or Soil whereon the Tide of the Sea flows and reflows.