Companies Clauses Consolidation Act 1845


CLIXParties allowed to appeal to Quarter Sessions on giving Security.

If any Party shall feel aggrieved' by any Determination or Adjudication of any Justice with respect to any Penalty or Forfeiture under the Provisions of this or the Special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, such Party may appeal to the General Quarter Sessions for the County or Place in which the Cause of Appeal shall have arisen; but no such Appeal shall be entertained unless it be made within Four Months next after the making of such Determination or Adjudication, nor unless Ten Days Notice in Writing of such Appeal, stating the Nature and Grounds thereof, be given to the Party against whom the Appeal shall be brought, nor unless the Appellant forthwith after such Notice enter into Recognizances, with Two sufficient Sureties, before a Justice, conditioned duly to prosecute such Appeal, and to abide the Order of the Court thereon.

CLXCourt to make such Order as they think reasonable.

At the Quarter Sessions for which such Notice shall be given the Court shall proceed to hear and determine the Appeal in a summary Way, or they may, if they think fit, adjourn it to the following Sessions ; and upon the Hearing of such Appeal the Court may, if they think fit, mitigate any Penalty or Forfeiture, or they may confirm or quash the Adjudication, and order any Money paid by the Appellant, or levied by Distress upon his Goods, to be returned to him, and may also order such further Satisfaction to be made to the Party injured as they may judge reasonable; and they may make such Order concerning the Costs, both of the Adjudication and of the Appeal, as they may think reasonable.