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SCHEDULES referred to by the foregoing Act.

Sect. 11.

SCHEDULE (A)E+W+N.I. Form of Certificate of Share.

“The Company.”

Number .

This is to certify, that A.B., of , is the proprietor of the share number of “The Company,” subject to the regulations of the said company. Given under the common seal of the said company, the day of in the year of our Lord .

Sect. 14.

SCHEDULE (B)E+W+N.I. Form of Transfer of Shares of Stock.

I , of , in consideration of the sum of paid to me by , of , do hereby transfer to the said share [or shares], numbered , in the undertaking called “The Company,” [or pounds consolidated stock in the undertaking called “The Company,” standing (or part of the stock standing) in my name in the books of the company,] to hold unto the said , his executors, administrators, and assigns, [or successors and assigns,] subject to the several conditions on which I held the same at the time of the execution hereof; and I the said do hereby agree to take the said share [or shares] [or stock], subject to the same conditions. [F1As witness our hands and seals[F1Executed as a deed by us]], the day of .

Sect. 41.

SCHEDULE (C)E+W+N.I. Form of Mortgage Deed.

“The Company.”

Mortgage, number £

By virtue of [here name the special Act], we, “The Company,” in consideration of the sum of pounds paid to us by A.B. of , do assign unto the said A.B., his executors, administrators, and assigns, the said undertaking, [and (in case such loan shall be in anticipation of the capital authorized to be raised) all future calls on shareholders,] and all the tolls and sums of money arising by virtue of the said Act, and all the estate, right, title, and interest of the company in the same, to hold unto the said A.B., his executors, administrators, and assigns, until the said sum of pounds, together with interest for the same at the rate of for every one hundred pounds by the year, be satisfied [the principal sum to be repaid at the end of years from the date hereof (in case any period be agreed upon for that purpose)], [at , or any place of payment other than the principal office of the company]. Given under our common seal, this day of in the year of our Lord .

Sect. 41.

SCHEDULE (D)E+W+N.I. Form of Bond.

“The Company.”

Bond, number £

By virtue of [here name the special Act], we, “The Company,” in consideration of the sum of pounds to us in hand paid by A.B. of , do bind ourselves and our successors unto the said A.B., his executors, administrators, and assigns, in the penal sum of pounds.

The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the said company shall pay to the said A.B., his executors, administrators, or assigns, [at (in case any other place of payment than the principal office of the company be intended),] on the day of which will be in the year one thousand eight hundred and , the principal sum of pounds, together with interest for the same at the rate of pounds per centum per annum, payable half-yearly on the day of and day of , then the above-written obligation is to become void, otherwise to remain in full force. Given under our common seal, this day of one thousand eight hundred and .

Sect. 46.

SCHEDULE (E)E+W+N.I. Form of Transfer of Mortgage or Bond.

I A.B. of , in consideration of the sum of paid to me by G.H. of , do hereby transfer to the said G.H., his executors, administrators, and assigns, a certain bond [or mortgage] number , made by “The Company” to , bearing date the day of , for securing the sum of , and interest, [or, if such transfer be by endorsement, the within security,] and all my right, estate, and interest in and to the money thereby secured [and if the transfer be of a mortgage, and in and to the tolls, money, and property thereby assigned]. In witness whereof I have [F2hereunto set my hand and seal[F2executed this instrument as a deed]], this day of one thousand eight hundred and .

Sect. 76.

SCHEDULE (F)E+W+N.I. Form of Proxy.

A.B. , one of the proprietors of “The Company,” doth hereby appoint C.D. of to be the proxy of the said A.B., in his absence to vote in his name upon any matter relating to the undertaking proposed at the meeting of the proprietors of the said company to be held on day of next, in such manner as he the said C.D. doth think proper. In witness whereof the said A.B. hath hereunto set his hand, [or, if a corporation, say the common seal of the corporation, the day of one thousand eight hundred and .


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Textual Amendments