
Access to special Act

And with respect to the Provision to be made for affording Access to the special Act by all Parties interested, be it enacted as follows :

CLXVCopies of special Act to be kept and deposited, and allowed to be inspected.

The Company shall at all Times after the Expiration of Six Months after the passing of the special Act keep in their principal Office of Business a Copy of the special Act printed by the Printers to Her Majesty, or some of them; and where the Undertaking shall be a Railway, Canal, or other like Undertaking, the Works of which shall not be confined to One Town or Place, shall also within the Space of such Six Months deposit in the Office of each of the Clerks of the Peace of the several Counties into which the Works shall extend, and in the Office of the Town Clerk of every Burgh or City into which, or within One Mile of which, the Works shall extend, a Copy of such special Act, so printed as aforesaid ; and the said Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks shall receive, and they and the Company respectively shall retain, the said Copies of the special Act, and shall permit all Persons interested to inspect the same, and make Extracts or Copies therefrom, in the like Manner, and upon the like Terms, and under the like Penalty for Default, as is provided in the Case of certain Plans and Sections by an [7 W. 4. & 1 Vict. c. 83.] Act passed in the First Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled An Act to compel Clerks of the Peace for Counties, and other Persons, to take the Custody of such Documents as shall be directed to be deposited with them under the Standing Orders of either House of Parliament.

CLXVIPenalty on Company failing to keep or deposit such Copies.

If the Company shall fail to keep or deposit, as hereinbefore mentioned, any of the said Copies of the special Act, they shall forfeit Twenty Pounds for every such Offence, and also Five Pounds for every Day afterwards during which such Copy shall be not so kept or deposited.

CLXVIIAct may be amended this Session.

And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this Session of Parliament.