Bye Laws

And with respect to the making of bye laws, be it enacted as follows:

127 Power to make bye laws for the officers of the company.

It shall be lawful for the company from time to time to make such bye laws as they think fit for the purpose of regulating the conduct of the officers and servants of the company, and for providing for the due management of the affairs of the company in all respects whatsoever, and from time to time to alter or repeal any such bye laws, and make others, provided such bye laws be not repugnant to the laws of that part of the United Kingdom where the same are to have effect, or to the provisions of this or the special act; and such bye laws shall be reduced into writing, and shall have affixed thereto the common seal of the company, and a copy of such bye laws shall be given to every officer and servant of the company affected thereby.

128 Fines for breach of such bye laws.

It shall be lawful for the company, by such bye laws, to impose such reasonable penalties upon all persons, being officers or servants of the company, offending against such bye laws, as the company think fit, not exceeding five pounds for any one offence.

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130 Evidence of bye laws.

The production of a written or printed copy of the bye laws of the company, having the common seal of the company affixed thereto, shall be sufficient evidence of such bye laws in all cases of prosecution under the same.