
And with respect to the giving of notices, be it enacted as follows:

137 Service of notice upon company.

Any summons or notice, or any writ, or other proceeding, at law or in equity, requiring to be served upon the company, may be served by the same being left at or transmitted through the post directed to the principal office of the company, or one of their principal offices where there shall be more than one, or being given personally to the secretary, or in case there be no secretary then by being given to any one director of the company.

138 Service by company on shareholders.

Notices requiring to be served by the company upon the shareholders may, unless expressly required to be served personally, be served by the same being transmitted through the post directed according to the registered address or other known address of the shareholder, within such period as to admit of its being delivered in the due course of delivery within the period (if any) prescribed for the giving of such notice; and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that such notice was properly directed, and that it was so put into the post office.

139 Notices to joint proprietors of shares.

All notices directed to be given to the shareholders shall, with respect to any share to which persons are jointly entitled, be given to whichever of the said persons shall be named first in the register of shareholders; and notice so given shall be sufficient notice to all the proprietors of such share.

140 Notice by advertisement.

All notices required by this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, to be given by advertisement, shall be advertised in the prescribed newspaper, or if no newspaper be prescribed, or if the prescribed newspaper cease to be published, in a newspaper circulating in the district within which the company’s principal place of business shall be situated.

141 Authentication of notices.

Every summons, demand, or notice, or other such document, requiring authentication by the company, may be signed by two directors, or by the treasurer or the secretary of the company, and need not be under the common seal of the company, and the same may be in writing or in print, or partly in writing and partly in print.

142 Proof of debts in bankruptcy.

And be it enacted, that if any person against whom the company shall have any claim or demand become bankrupt, or take the benefit of any Act for the relief of insolvent debtors, it shall be lawful for the secretary or treasurer of the company, in all proceedings against the estate of such bankrupt or insolvent, or under any fiat, sequestration, or act of insolvency against such bankrupt or insolvent, to represent the company, and act in their behalf, in all respects as if such claim or demand had been the claim or demand of such secretary or treasurer, and not of the company.

143 Tender of amends.

And be it enacted, that if any party shall have committed any irregularity, trespass, or other wrongful proceeding in the execution of this or the special Act, or by virtue of any power or authority thereby given, and if, before action brought in respect thereof, such party make tender of sufficient amends to the party injured, such last-mentioned party shall not recover in any such action; and if no such tender shall have been made it shall be lawful, for the defender, by leave of the court where such action shall be pending, at any time before the record is closed, to pay into court such sum of money as he shall think fit; and thereupon such proceedings shall be had as in other cases where defenders are allowed to pay money into court.