Proceedings of Directors

CIIIDirectors not to be personally liable. Indemnity of Directors.

No Director, by being Party to or executing in his Capacity of Director any Contract or other Instrument on behalf of the Company, or otherwise lawfully executing any of the Powers given to the Directors, shall be subject to be sued or prosecuted, either individually or collectively, by any Person whomsoever ; and the Bodies or Goods or Lands of the Directors shall not be liable to Execution of any legal Process by reason of any Contract or other Instrument so entered into, signed, or executed by them, or by reason of any other lawful Act done by them in the Execution of any of their Powers as Directors; and the Directors, their Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, shall be indemnified out of the Capital of the Company for all Payments made or Liability incurred in respect of any Acts done by them, and for all Losses, Costs, and Damages which they may incur in the Execution of the Powers granted to them ; and the Directors for the Time being of the Company may apply the existing Funds and Capital of the Company for the Purposes of such Indemnity, and may, if necessary for that Purpose, make Calls of the Capital remaining unpaid, if any.