Recovery of Damages and Penalties

CLVIIPenalty on Witnesses making Default.

It shall be lawful for any Sheriff or Justice to summon any Person to appear before him as a Witness in any Matter in which such Sheriff or Justice, or Two or more Justices, shall have Jurisdiction, under the Provisions of this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, at a Time and Place mentioned in such Summons, and to administer to him an Oath to testify the Truth in such Matter; and if any Person so summoned shall, without reasonable Excuse, refuse or neglect to appear at the Time and Place appointed for that Purpose, having been paid or tendered a reasonable Sum for his Expences, or if any Person appearing shall refuse to be examined upon Oath or to give Evidence before such Sheriff or Justice, or Justices, every such Person shall forfeit a Sum not exceeding Five Pounds for every such Offence.