Application of compensationE+W+N.I.
And with respect to the purchase money or compensation coming to parties having limited interests, or prevented from treating, or not making title, be it enacted as follows:
69†Purchase money payable to parties under disability, amounting to 200l. to be deposited in the Bank.E+W+N.I.
If the purchase money or compensation which shall be payable in respect of any lands, or any interest therein, purchased or taken by the promoters of the undertaking from any corporation, tenant for life or in tail, . . . trustee, executor or administrator, or person having a partial or qualified interest only in such lands, and not entitled to sell or convey the same except under the provisions of this or the special Act, or the compensation to be paid for any permanent damage to any such lands, amount to or exceed the sum of two hundred pounds, the same shall [be paid into the [Senior Courts]] and such monies shall remain so deposited until the same be applied to some one or more of the following purposes; (that is to say,)
In . . . discharge of any debt or incumbrance affecting the land in respect of which such money shall have been paid, or affecting other lands settled therewith to the same or the like uses, trusts, or purposes; or
In the purchase of other lands to be conveyed, limited, and settled upon the like uses, trusts, and purposes, and in the same manner, as the lands in respect of which such money shall have been paid stood settled; or
If such money shall be paid in respect of any buildings taken under the authority of this or the special Act, or injured by proximity of the works, in removing or replacing such buildings, or substituting others in their stead, in such manner as the Court of Chancery shall direct; or
In payment to any party becoming absolutely entitled to such money.
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
70 Order for application, and investment meanwhile.E+W+N.I.
Such money may be so applied as aforesaid upon an order of the Court of Chancery . . . made on the petition of the party who would have been entitled to the rents and profits of the lands in respect of which such money shall have been deposited, [and if, before it is so applied, it is [invested under section 38 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982] the annual proceeds thereof shall be paid] to the party who would for the time being have been entitled to the rents and profits of the lands.
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
71 Sums from 20l. to 200l. to be deposited, or paid to trustees.E+W+N.I.
If such purchase money or compensation shall not amount to the sum of two hundred pounds, and shall exceed the sum of twenty pounds, the same shall either [be paid into the [Senior Courts]], and applied in the manner herein-before directed with respect to sums amounting to or exceeding two hundred pounds, or the same may lawfully be paid to two trustees, to be nominated by the parties entitled to the rents or profits of the lands in respect whereof the same shall be payable, such nomination to be signified by writing under the hands of the party so entitled; and in case of the . . . incapacity of the parties entitled to such monies, such nominations, may lawfully be made by their respective . . . trustees; but such last-mentioned application of the monies shall not be made unless the promoters of the undertaking approve thereof, and of the trustees named for the purpose; and the money so paid to such trustees, and the produce arising therefrom, shall be by such trustees applied in the manner herein-before directed with respect to [money paid into the [Senior Courts]] but it shall not be necessary to obtain any order of the court for that purpose.
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
72 Sums not exceeding 20l. to be paid to parties.E+W+N.I.
If such money shall not exceed the sum of twenty pounds the same shall be paid to the parties entitled to the rents and profits of the lands in respect whereof the same shall be payable, for their own use and benefit; or in case of the . . . incapacity of any such parties, then such money shall be paid, for their use, to the respective . . . trustees of such persons.
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
73 All sums payable under contract with persons not absolutely entitled, to be paid into Bank.E+W+N.I.
All sums of money exceeding twenty pounds which may be payable by the promoters of the undertaking in respect of the taking, using, or interfering with any lands under a contract or agreement with any person who shall not be entitled to dispose of such lands, or of the interest therein contracted to be sold by him, absolutely for his own benefit, shall [be paid into the [Senior Courts]] or to trustees in manner aforesaid; and it shall not be lawful for any contracting party not entitled as aforesaid to retain to his own use any portion of the sums so agreed or contracted to be paid for or in respect of the taking, using, or interfering with any such lands, or in lieu of bridges, tunnels or other accommodation works, or for assenting to or not opposing the passing of the bill authorizing the taking of such lands, but all such monies shall be deemed to have been contracted to be paid for and on account of the several parties interested in such lands, as well in possession as in remainder, reversion, or expectancy: Provided always, that it shall be in the discretion of the Court of Chancery, . . . or the said trustees, as the case may be, to allot to any tenant for life, or for any other partial or qualified estate, for his own use, a portion of the sum [paid into the [Senior Courts]] or to such trustees as aforesaid, as compensation for any injury, inconvenience, or annoyance which he may be considered to sustain, independently of the actual value of the lands to be taken, and of the damage occasioned to the lands held therewith, by reason of the taking of such lands and the making of the works.
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
74 Court of Chancery may direct application of money in respect of leases or reversions as they may think just.E+W+N.I.
Where any purchase money or compensation paid into [the [Senior Courts] or] the Bank under the provisions of this or the special Act shall have been paid in respect of any lease for . . . years, or any estate in lands less than the whole fee simple thereof, or of any reversion dependent on any such lease or estate, it shall be lawful for the Court of Chancery, . . . on the petition of any party interested in such money, to order that the same shall be laid out, invested, accumulated, and paid in such manner as the said court may consider will give to the parties interested in such money the same benefit therefrom as they might lawfully have had from the lease, estate, or reversion in respect of which such money shall have been paid, or as near thereto as may be.
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
75 Upon deposit being made, the owners of the lands to convey, or in default the lands to vest in the promoters of the undertaking upon a deed poll being executed.E+W+N.I.
Upon [payment into court or] deposit in the Bank in manner herein-before provided of the purchase money or compensation agreed or awarded to be paid in respect of any lands purchased or taken by the promoters of the undertaking under the provisions of this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, the owner of such lands, including in such term all parties by this Act enabled to sell or convey lands, shall, when required so to do by the promoters of the undertaking, duly convey such lands to the promoters of the undertaking, or as they shall direct; and in default thereof, or if he fail to adduce a good title to such lands to their satisfaction, [it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking, if they think fit, to execute a deed poll under their common seal if they be a corporation, or if they be not a corporation, under the hands and seals of the promoters, or any two of them] [then, if the promoters of the undertaking think fit, it shall be lawful for the promoters to execute a deed poll under their common seal if they are a corporation, or, if they are not a corporation, for the promoters or any two of them to execute a deed poll], containing a description of the lands in respect of which such default shall be made, and reciting the purchase or taking thereof by the promoters of the undertaking, and the names of the parties from whom the same were purchased or taken, and the [payment or] deposit made in respect thereof, and declaring the fact of such default having been made, and such deed poll shall be stamped with the stamp duty which would have been payable upon a conveyance to the promoters of the undertaking of the lands described therein; and thereupon all the estate and interest in such lands of or capable of being sold and conveyed by the party between whom and the promoters of the undertaking such agreement shall have been come to, or as between whom and the promoters of the undertaking such purchase money or compensation shall have been determined by a jury, or by arbitrators, or by a surveyor appointed by two justices, as herein provided, and shall have been [paid or] deposited as aforesaid, shall vest absolutely in the promoters of the undertaking; and as against such parties, and all parties on behalf of whom they are herein-before enabled to sell and convey, the promoters of the undertaking shall be entitled to immediate possession of such lands.
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
76 Where parties refuse to convey, or do not show title, or cannot be found, the purchase money to be deposited.E+W+N.I.
If the owner of any such lands purchased or taken by the promoters of the undertaking, or of any interest therein, on tender of the purchase money or compensation either agreed or awarded to be paid in respect thereof refuse to accept the same, or neglect or fail to make out a title to such lands, or to the interest therein claimed by him, to the satisfaction of the promoters of the undertaking, or if he refuse to convey or release such lands as directed by the promoters of the undertaking, or if any such owner be absent from the kingdom, or cannot after diligent inquiry be found, . . . it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking [to pay into the [Senior Courts ] the purchase money or compensation payable in respect of such lands.]
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
77 Upon deposit being made a receipt to be given, and the lands to vest upon a deed poll being executed.E+W+N.I.
Upon any [such payment or deposit] of money as last aforesaid being made . . . [it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking, if they think fit, to execute a deed poll, under their common seal if they be a corporation, or if they be not a corporation under the hands and seals of the said promoters, or any two of them] [then, if the promoters of the undertaking think fit, it shall be lawful for the promoters to execute a deed poll under their common seal if they are a corporation, or, if they are not a corporation, for the promoters or any two of them to execute a deed poll], containing a description of the lands in respect whereof [such payment or deposit] shall have been made, and declaring the circumstances under which and the names of the parties to whose credit [such payment or deposit] shall have been made, and such deed poll shall be stamped with the stamp duty which would have been payable upon a conveyance to the promoters of the undertaking of the lands described therein; and thereupon all the estate and interest in such lands of the parties for whose use and in respect whereof such purchase money or compensation shall have been [paid or deposited] shall vest absolutely in the promoters of the undertaking, and as against such parties they shall be entitled to immediate possession of such lands.
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
78 Application of monies so deposited.E+W+N.I.
Upon the application . . . of any party making claim to the money so [paid or] deposited as last aforesaid, or any part thereof, or to the lands in respect whereof the same shall have been so [paid or] deposited, or any Part of such lands, or any interest in the same, the said Court of Chancery . . . may . . . [order distribution of the money according to the respective estates, titles or interests of the parties making claim to such money or lands, or any part thereof, and if, before the money is distributed, it is [invested under section 38 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982] payment likewise of the dividends thereof] and may make such other order in the premises as to such court shall seem fit.
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
79 Party in possession to be deemed the owner.E+W+N.I.
If any question arise respecting the title to the lands in respect whereof such monies shall have been so paid or deposited as aforesaid, the parties respectively in possession of such lands, as being the owners thereof, or in receipt of the rents of such lands, as being entitled thereto at the time of such lands being purchased or taken, shall be deemed to have been lawfully entitled to such lands, until the contrary be shown to the satisfaction of the court; and unless the contrary be shown as aforesaid the parties so in possession, and all parties claiming under them, or consistently with their possession, shall be deemed entitled to [the money so paid or deposited, and to the interest or dividends of it or of the securities purchased therewith] and the same shall be paid and applied accordingly.
Textual Amendments
Modifications etc. (not altering text)
80 Costs in cases of money deposited.E+W+N.I.
In all cases of monies [paid into the [Senior Courts] or] deposited in the Bank under the provisions of this or the special Act, or an Act incorporated therewith, except where such monies shall have been so [paid into the [Senior Courts ] or] deposited by reason of the wilful refusal of any party entitled thereto to receive the same, or to convey or release the lands in respect whereof the same shall be payable, or by reason of the wilful neglect of any party to make out a good title to the land required, it shall be lawful for the Court of Chancery . . . to order the costs of the following matters, including therein all reasonable charges and expences incident thereto, to be paid by the promoters of the undertaking; (that is to say,) the costs of the purchase or taking of the lands, or which shall have been incurred in consequence thereof, other than such costs as are herein otherwise provided for, and the costs of the investment of such monies . . . and of the reinvestment thereof in the purchase of other lands, and also the costs of obtaining the proper orders for any of the purposes aforesaid, and of the orders for the payment of the dividends [of the monies, and for the payment out of court of the principal thereof or of any] securities whereon the same shall be invested, and of all proceedings relating thereto, except such as are occasioned by litigation between adverse claimants: Provided always, that the costs of one application only for reinvestment in land shall be allowed, unless it shall appear to the Court of Chancery . . . that it is for the benefit of the parties interested in the said monies that the same should be invested in the purchase of lands in different sums and at different times, in which case it shall be lawful for the court, if it think fit, to order the costs of any such investments to be paid by the promoters of the undertaking.