
Sect. 80

SCHEDULE (A)U.K. Form of Conveyance

I , of , in consideration of the sum of paid to me [or, as the case may be, into the Bank (or to A.B. of , and C.D. of , two trustees appointed to receive the same)], pursuant to an Act passed, &c., intituled, &c., by the [here name the company], incorporated by the said Act, do hereby sell, alienate, dispone, convey, assign, and make over, from me, my heirs and successors, to the said company, their successors and assignees, for ever, according to the true intent and meaning of the said Act, all [describing the premises to be conveyed], together with all rights and pertinents thereto belonging, and all such right, title, and interest in and to the same as I and my foresaids are or shall become possessed of, or are by the said Act empowered to convey. [Here insert the conditions (if any) of the conveyance, and a registration clause for preservation and diligence, and a testing clause, according to the form of the law of Scotland.]