Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1845

102 Deposit of money when refused on tender.U.K.

If upon such payment or tender as aforesaid being made any holder of such security fail so to convey his interest therein, or to adduce a good title thereto to the promoters of the undertaking, it shall be lawful for them to deposit the amount of such value or compensation in the Bank, in the manner provided by this Act in like cases; and every such payment or deposit shall be accepted by the holder of the security in satisfaction of his claim, so far as the same will extend, and shall be a full discharge of the lands from all money due thereon; and it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking to expede an instrument under the hands of a notary public, duly stamped, and to register the same, in the manner herein-before provided in the case of the purchase of lands by them; and thereupon such lands, as to all such right and interest as were then vested in the holder of the security, or any person in trust for him, or in the party claiming or entitled to the lands under burden of the security, shall become absolutely vested in the promoters of the undertaking, and they shall be entitled to immediate possession thereof; nevertheless all rights and remedies possessed by the holder of such security for recovering payment of his debt, or the residue thereof, (as the case may be,) or the interest thereof respectively, and all expences, shall remain in force as a claim against the grantor of such security, and against all other parties bound for the same, but not as a claim on the said lands, or against the promoters of the undertaking.