Purchase of lands otherwise than by agreement

24 Appointment of arbiters when questions are to be determined by arbitration.

When any question of disputed compensation by this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, authorized or required to be settled by arbitration shall have arisen, then, unless both parties shall concur in the appointment of a single arbiter, each party, on the request of the other party, shall nominate and appoint an arbiter, to whom such dispute shall be referred; and every appointment of an arbiter shall be made on the part of the company under the hand of the secretary or any two of the directors of the company, and on the part of any other party under the hand of such party, or if such party be a company or corporation under the hand of the proper officer or person authorized by such company or corporation; and such appointment shall be delivered to the arbiters, and shall be deemed a submission to arbitration on the part of the party by whom the same shall be made; and after any such appointment shall have been made neither party shall have power to revoke the same without the consent of the other, nor shall the death of either party operate as such revocation; and if for the space of fourteen days after any such dispute shall have arisen, and after a request in writing, in which shall be stated the matters so required to be referred to arbitration, shall have been served by the one party on the other party to appoint an arbiter, such other party fail to appoint an arbiter, then upon such failure the party making the request, and having himself appointed an arbiter, may appoint such arbiter to act on behalf of both parties, and such arbiter may proceed to hear and determine the matters which shall be in dispute, and in such case the award or determination of such single arbiter shall be final.