Purchase of lands otherwise than by agreement

36 Party claiming compensation may require a jury to be summoned.

But if any party entitled to any compensation in respect of any such lands or interest therein, exceeding fifty pounds as aforesaid, shall desire to have the amount of such compensation determined by a jury, it shall in like manner be lawful for him to given notice in writing to the promoters of the undertaking of such his desire, stating in such notice the nature of the interest in such lands in respect of which he claims compensation, and the amount of the compensation so claimed by him; and unless the promoters of the undertaking be willing to pay the amount of compensation so claimed, and shall enter into a written agreement for that purpose, then, within twenty-one days after the receipt of any such notice from any party so entitled, they shall, unless the question shall previously have been agreed to be settled by arbitration, present their petition to the sheriff to summon a jury for settling the same in the manner herein-after provided, and in default thereof they shall be liable to pay to the party so entitled as aforesaid the amount of compensation so claimed, and the same may be recovered by him, with costs, by action in any competent court.