Application of compensation

C2C3C4C574 Upon deposit being made, the owners of the lands to convey, or in default the lands to vest in the promoters of the undertaking, upon a notarial instrument being executed. C1

Upon deposit in the Bank in manner herein-before provided of the purchase money or compensation agreed or awarded to be paid in respect of any lands purchased or taken by the promoters of the undertaking under the provisions of this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, the owner of such lands, including in such term all parties by this Act enabled to sell or convey lands, shall, when required so to do by the promoters of the undertaking, duly convey such lands to the promoters of the undertaking, or as they shall direct; and in default thereof, or if he fail to adduce a good title to such lands, it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking, if they think fit, to expede an instrument under the hands of a notary public, containing a description of the lands in respect of which such default shall be made, and reciting the purchase or taking thereof by the promoters of the undertaking, and the names of the parties from whom the same were purchased or taken, and the deposit made in respect thereof, and declaring the fact of such default having been made; and such instrument shall be stamped with the stamp duty which would have been payable upon a conveyance to the promoters of the undertaking of the lands described therein; and thereupon all the estate and interest in such lands of or capable of being sold and conveyed by the party between whom and the promoters of the undertaking such agreement shall have been come to, or as between whom and the promoters of the undertaking such purchase money or compensation shall have been determined by the sheriff, by a jury, or by arbiters, or by a valuation appointed by the sheriff, as herein provided, and shall have been deposited as aforesaid, shall vest absolutely in the promoters of the undertaking; and as against such parties, and all parties on behalf of whom they are herein-before enabled to sell and convey, the promoters of the undertaking shall be entitled to immediate possession of such lands; and such instrument, being registered in the register of sasines in manner herein-after provided in regard to conveyances of lands, shall have the same effect as a conveyance so registered.