Intersected lands

92 Power of promoters of the undertaking to insist on purchase where expence of bridges, &c exceeds the value.

If any such land shall be so cut through and divided as to leave on either side of the works a piece of land of less extent than half a statute acre, or of less value than the expence of making a bridge, culvert, or such other communication between the land so divided as the promoters of the undertaking are, under the provisions of this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, compellable to make, and if the owner of such lands have not other lands adjoining such piece of land, and require the promoters of the undertaking to make such communication, then the promoters of the undertaking may require such owner to sell to them such piece of land; and any dispute at to the value of such piece of land, or as to what would be the expence of making such communication, shall be ascertained as therein provided for cases of disputed compensation; and on the occasion of ascertaining the value of the land required to be taken for the purposes of the works the sheriff, or the jury, or the arbiters, as the case may be, shall, if required by either party, ascertain by their verdict or award the value of any such severed piece of land, and also what would be the expence of making such communication.