Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1845

98 Upon payment of compensation payable to commoners, the lands to vest. U.K.

Upon payment or tender to such committee, or any three of them, or if there shall be no such committee then upon deposit in the Bank in the manner provided in the like case of the compensation which shall have been agreed upon or determined in respect of such rights, and it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking, if they think fit, to execute a disposition, duly stamped, in the manner herein-before provided in the case of the purchase of lands by them, and thereupon the lands in respect of which such compensation shall have been so paid or deposited shall vest in the promoters of the undertaking freed and discharged from all such rights, and they shall be entitled to immediate possession thereof; and it shall be lawful for the Court of Session, by an order made upon petition, to order payment of the money so deposited as aforesaid, and to make such other order in respect thereto, for the benefit of the parties interested, as it shall think fit.