CXLIIIPublication of Penalties.
The Company shall publish the short Particulars of the several Offences for which any Penalty is imposed by this or the Special Act, or by any Byelaw of the Company affecting other Persons than the Shareholders, Officers, or Servants of the Company, and of the Amount of every such Penalty, and shall cause such Particulars to be painted on a Board, or printed upon Paper and pasted thereon, and shall cause such Board to be hung up or affixed on some conspicuous Part of the principal Place of Business of the Company, and where any such Penalties are of local Application shall cause such Boards to be affixed in some conspicuous Place in the immediate Neighbourhood to which such Penalties are applicable or have reference; and such Particulars shall be renewed as often as the same or any Part thereof is obliterated or destroyed; and no such Penalty shall be recoverable unless it shall have been published and kept published in the Manner herein-before required.