XCPower to vary Tolls. Tolls to be charged equally under like Circumstances.
And whereas it is expedient that the Company should be enabled to vary the Tolls upon the Railway so as to accommodate them to the Circumstances of the Traffic, but that such Power of varying should not be used for the Purpose of prejudicing or favouring particular Parties, or for the Purpose of collusively and unfairly creating a Monopoly, either in the Hands of the Company or of particular Parties : It shall be lawful, therefore, for the Company, subject to the Provisions and Limitations herein and in the Special Act contained, from Time to Time to alter or vary the Tolls by the Special Act authorized to be taken, either upon the whole or upon any particular Portions of the Railway, as they shall think fit; provided that all such Tolls be at all Times charged equally to all Persons, and after the same Rate, whether per Ton per Mile or otherwise, in respect of all Passengers, and of all Goods or Carriages of the same Description, and conveyed or propelled by a like Carriage or Engine, passing only over the same Portion of the Line of Railway under the same Circumstances; and no Reduction or Advance in any such Tolls shall be made either directly or indirectly in favour of or against any particular Company or Person travelling upon or using the Railway.