Passengers and Goods on Railway

XCVIIIAccount of Lading, &c. to be given.

Every Person being the Owner or having the Care of any Carriage or Goods passing or being upon the Railway shall, on Demand, give to the Collector of Tolls, at the Places where he attends for the Purpose of receiving Goods or of collecting Tolls for the Part of the Railway on which such Carriage or Goods may have travelled or be about to travel, an exact Account in Writing signed by him of the Number or Quantity of Goods conveyed by any such Carriage, and of the Point on the Railway from which such Carriage or Goods have set out or are about to set out, and at what Point the same are intended to be unloaded or taken off the Railway; and if the Goods conveyed by any such Carriage, or brought for Conveyance as aforesaid, be liable to the Payment of different Tolls, then such Owner or other Person shall specify the respective Numbers or Quantities thereof liable to each or any of such Tolls.