XXXVIIIPower to the Justices to summon other Owners before them.
If in the Case last mentioned it shall appear to such Justices, upon the Inquiry before them, that the Lands of any other Party not summoned before them, being sufficient in Quantity, and such as the Company are herein-before authorized to take or use for the Purposes aforesaid, would be more fitting to be used by the Company than the Lands of the Person who shall have been so summoned as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said Justices to adjourn such Inquiry, and to summon such other Person to appear before them at any Time, not being more than Fourteen Days from such Inquiry nor less than Seven Days from the Service of such Summons; and on the Appearance of the Parties, or, in the Absence of any of them, on Proof of due Service of the Summons, it shall be lawful for such Justices to determine finally which Lands shall be used for the Purposes aforesaid, and to authorize the Company to occupy and use the same accordingly.