XIShares of Land and Cattle Gates and Stints may be exchanged.
And be it enacted, That where a Person interested in any undivided Share, or any Cattle Gate or other Gate, or any Right of Common defined by Numbers or Stints, in or to be exercised over any Land, and a Person interested in any undivided Share or Gate or Right (so defined) in or to be exercised over any other Land, shall be desirous of exchanging their respective Shares, Gates, or Rights, whether such respective Lands or either of them shall or shall not be subject to be inclosed under the said recited Act, and whether any Proceedings for an Inclosure of such respective Lands or either of them shall or shall not be pending, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners, upon the Application in Writing of the Persons interested in such Shares, Gates, or Rights which they shall be so desirous of exchanging, or in such Lands in respect of such Shares, Gates, or Rights, to make an Order of Exchange of such respective Shares, Gates, or Rights, without requiring the Concurrence in such Application of the other Persons interested in such Lands; and all the Provisions of the said recited Act and this Act respecting the Exchange of Lands shall extend and be applicable to the Exchange of such respective Shares, Gates, or Rights; provided that, instead of the Map or Plan by the said recited Act directed to be annexed to an Order of Exchange, the Commissioners may cause to be therein inserted or thereunto annexed such Descriptions as may appear to them sufficiently to ascertain such respective Shares, Gates, or Rights, and such respective Lands as aforesaid.