13 Lords of manors may appoint gamekeepers. Powers of gamekeepers of manors.U.K.

It shall be lawful for any lord of a manor, lordship, or royalty, or reputed manor, lordship, or royalty, or any steward of the crown of any manor, lordship, or royalty appertaining to his Majesty, by writing under hand and seal, or in case of a body corporate, then under the seal of such body corporate, to appoint one or more person or persons as a gamekeeper or gamekeepers to preserve or kill the game within the limits of such manor, lordship, or royalty, or reputed manor, lordship, or royalty, for the use of such lord or steward thereof, and to authorize such gamekeeper or gamekeepers within the said limits to seize and take for the use of such lord or steward all such dogs, nets, and other engines and instruments for the killing or taking of game as shall be used within the said limits by any person not authorized to kill game for want of a game certificate.