30 Penalty on persons trespassing in the day-time upon lands in search of game. Where the Occupier of the Land, not being entitled to the Game, allows any Person to kill it, the Party entitled to the Game may enforce the Penalty. C1

. . . F1 if any person whatsoever shall commit any trespass by entering or being in the daytime upon any land in search or pursuit of game, or woodcocks, snipes, . . . F2 or conies, such person shall, on conviction thereof before a justice of the peace, forfeit and pay such sum of money, not exceeding F3level 1 on the standard scale , as to the justice shall seem meet, . . . ; and if any persons to the number of five or more together shall commit any trespass, by entering or being in the daytime upon any land in search or pursuit of game, or woodcocks, snipes, . . . F2 or conies, each of such persons shall, on conviction thereof before a justice of the peace, forfeit and pay such sum of money, not exceeding F4level 3 on the standard scale as to the said justice shall seem meet, . . . F5: Provided always, that any person charged with any such trespass shall be at liberty to prove, by way of defence, any matter which would have been a defence to an action at law for such trespass; save and except that the leave and licence of the occupier of the land so trespassed upon shall not be a sufficient defence in any case where the landlord, lessor, or other person shall have the right of killing the game upon such land by virtue of any reservation or otherwise, as herein-before mentioned; but such landlord, lessor, or other person shall, for the purpose of prosecuting for each of the two offences herein last before mentioned, be deemed to be the legal occupier of such land, whenever the actual occupier thereof shall have given such leave or licence; and that the lord or steward of the crown of any manor, lordship, or royalty, or reputed manor, lordship, or royalty, shall be deemed to be the legal occupier of the land of the wastes or commons within such manor, lordship, or royalty, or reputed manor, lordship, or royalty.