C1C26 Every certificated person may kill Game, subject to the Law of Trespass. Proviso as to Game-keepers.

Every person who shall have obtained an annual game certificate shall be authorised to kill and take game, subject always to an action, or to such other proceedings as are herein-after mentioned, for any trespass by him committed in search or pursuit of game: Provided always, that no game certificate on which a less duty than three pounds thirteen shillings and sixpence is chargeable under the Acts relating to game certificates shall authorize any gamekeeper to kill or take any game, or to use any dog, gun, net, or other engine or instrument for the purpose of killing or taking game, except within the limits included in his appointment as gamekeeper; but that in any case where such gamekeeper shall kill or take any game, or use any dog, gun, net, or other engine or instrument for the purpose of killing or taking game, beyond such limits as aforesaid, he may be proceeded against under this Act, or otherwise, in the same manner to all intents and purposes as if he had no game certificate whatsoever.