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Your search for English language UK Private and Personal Acts has returned more than 200 results.

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Partial dataset 1801 - 1945
Complete dataset 1946 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

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Authorizing the sale, exchange and demise of part of the estate of Charles Hayes, deceased, and the sale and exchange of part of the estate of John Abdy, deceased, and other provisions Act 18491849 c. 2UK Private and Personal Acts
Enabling the Society for the Prosecution of Felons and Receivers of Stolen Goods to distribute its funds among certain charitable institutions Act 18491849 c. 1UK Private and Personal Acts
Earl of Glengall's estates: vesting estates in Waterford and Tipperary in trustees to effect relief Act 18481848 c. 22UK Private and Personal Acts
St. Mary's Hospital (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) : amending an Act of 1846 [c. 42] (enabling grant of leases, and other provisions), and other provisions Act 18481848 c. 21UK Private and Personal Acts
John Marquess of Bute's will: amending a power of leasing Act 18481848 c. 20UK Private and Personal Acts
Christopher Alderson's (a lunatic) and Mary Alderson's (a person of unsound mind) estate: vesting estates in Middlesex, Hertfordshire and Yorkshire in trustees for sale Act 18481848 c. 19UK Private and Personal Acts
Marquess of Antrim's estate: compromise of suits and claims and settlement of lands Act 18481848 c. 18UK Private and Personal Acts
Amendment of a settlement made by the Marquess and Marchioness of Londonderry and Viscount Seaham Act 18481848 c. 17UK Private and Personal Acts
Earl of Sheffield's estate: granting building and other improvement leases of estates in Newhaven and Bishopstone (Sussex) Act 18481848 c. 16UK Private and Personal Acts
Charles Blundell's estate: authorizing grant of building leases for 99 years of estates in Sefton, Walton and North Meols (Lancashire) Act 18481848 c. 15UK Private and Personal Acts
The Ramsden Estate: extending the powers of an Act of 1844[c. 21] (enlarging the power in Sir John Ramsden's will to grant leases) to hereditaments, comprised in John Charles Ramsden's marriage settlement, in Almondbury, Kirkheaton and Huddersfield (Yorkshire, West Riding), and other provisions Act 18481848 c. 14UK Private and Personal Acts
Woolwich (Kent) rectory: sale of glebe, confirmation of building leases, endowment of a new ecclesiastical district and other provisions Act 18481848 c. 13UK Private and Personal Acts
Francis Duke of Bridgewater's estate: amending an Act of 1845 [c. 29] (enabling the trustees of his will to execute an agreement with Lord Francis Egerton, and other provisions) Act 18481848 c. 12UK Private and Personal Acts
Sandbach (Cheshire) charities: providing for better administration and distribution of income, vesting the estates in new trustees and enabling them to grant leases, and other provisions Act 18481848 c. 11UK Private and Personal Acts
United Charities of Nathaniel Waterhouse (Halifax) (Yorkshire, West Riding) : incorporating the governors and trustees, amending and extending the powers and provisions, enlarging the charitable objects, regulating the application of income and amending an Act of 1777 [c. 87] (uniting and better regulating the charities) Act 18481848 c. 10UK Private and Personal Acts
Sir William Miller's estate: enabling him to exchange portions and sell parts of the estates of Glenlee, Barskimming and others (Ayr) for the payment of debts and burdens Act 18481848 c. 9UK Private and Personal Acts
Jacob Hudson's settlement: enabling leases and sales of an estate in Horton (Bradford) (Yorkshire, West Riding) Act 18481848 c. 8UK Private and Personal Acts
Edward Jessop's estate: enabling the trustees of his will to sell the estates and purchase others from the proceeds, under the direction of the Court of Chancery Act 18481848 c. 7UK Private and Personal Acts
John Fullerton's estate: enabling sales, leases and mortgages of estates in Yorkshire Act 18481848 c. 6UK Private and Personal Acts
John Newton's estate: authorizing grants in fee and leases for building purposes of estates in Gorton (Lancashire) Act 18481848 c. 5UK Private and Personal Acts

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