This Order shall apply to the whole of His Majesty's dominions and Protected Territories except the Dominions.


In its application to the parts of His Majesty's dominions, which are outside the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man and in its application to Protected Territories, this Order shall be subject to such modifications as may be made by the legislatures of those parts or those Protected Territories for adapting to the circumstances thereof the provisions of this Order.


In the application of this Order to any part of His Majesty's dominions or Protected Territories (except the Dominions) any reference to “Board of Trade” or “Treasury”, “property, rights or interests” and “Administratorshall be construed respectively as a reference to the Governor or Officer administering the Government of the territory in question, the property, rights or interests within that territory, and the Administrator appointed for that territory.


In its application to the Channel Islands, this Order shall have effect subject to the following modifications:


References to the Trading with the Enemy Act, 1939 shall be construed as references to that Act as extended to the Channel Islands by the Trading with the Enemy (Channel Islands) Order in Council, 19401;


in sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph (5) of Article 1 references to the Court shall be construed as references to the Royal Court of Jersey or the Royal Court of the Bailiwick of Guernsey, as the case may be, and rules for regulating the procedure under that sub-paragraph may be made, as regards Jersey, by the Superior Number of the Royal Court, and, as regards the Bailiwick of Guernsey, by the Royal Court of that Island;


For clause (iii) of sub-paragraph (h) of paragraph (5) of Article 1, there should be substituted the following clause—

`A Vesting Order as respects property of any description shall upon registration by the Royal Court be sufficient to vest in the Administrator any property or the right to transfer any property as provided by the Vesting Order without the necessity for any further conveyance, assurance or document.';

and all orders and rules made, and all forms prescribed, by the Board of Trade under this Order shall be communicated to the Bailiff of Jersey or Guernsey, as the case may be, and shall be presented by him to the Royal Court of Jersey or the Royal Court of the Bailiwick of Guernsey, as the case may be, for registration, and no such order or rules shall come into force until so registered.


In its application to the Isle of Man, in sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph (5) of Article 1 references to the Court shall be construed as references to the High Court of Justice in the Isle of Man and rules for regulating the procedure under that sub-paragraph may be made as regards the Isle of Man by the Governor.


In its application to Northern Ireland, in sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph (5) of Article 1 references to the Court shall be construed as references to the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland and rules for regulating the procedure under that sub-paragraph may be made as regards Northern Ireland by the Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland.