These Regulations are designed to enable persons appointed to posts superannuable under the Federated Superannuation Scheme for Universities to count war service for superannuation purposes so far as possible on the same basis as does a person established under the Superannuation Acts.

To achieve this a contribution (called the war service contribution) is to be paid. This is a contribution of 5 per cent. (half the normal employer's contribution under F.S.S.U.) of the salary and emoluments which the person might have received had his war service been temporary service in the post to which he was appointed after the war service. War service can be reckoned only from the age at which the person might, but for the war, have been appointed to the grade in which he was first appointed after his war service. Interest at 3 per cent. is payable on the war service contribution from the mid-point of the reckonable war service to the date on which the contribution is paid. The employee may, at his option, contribute an additional amount up to one-half the amount payable by the Department. The total contribution as so calculated will then be invested, as a lump sum, in a single premium policy under the F.S.S.U. for the employee's benefit.