87.—(1) Every question put to the vote of a General or Regional Meeting shall be decided by a show of hands unless a ballot is (before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands) demanded by the Board or by at least one third of the registered producers who are personally present at the meeting or, in the case of a General Meeting, by any ten duly elected members of Regional Committees personally present at the General Meeting. On a ballot the Board shall determine the form of the voting paper and shall cause to be sent to every registered producer or, in the case of a regional meeting, every registered producer in the region, along with the voting paper such directions for the guidance of registered producers in voting as they may determine. The voting paper shall be sent by post to the registered producers concerned as soon as practicable after the meeting at which the ballot is demanded. The Board shall determine the last date for the receipt of completed voting papers, how the votes shall be counted, and the manner in which registered producers shall be informed of the result of the vote.
(2) On a show of hands every registered producer entitled to vote shall have one vote and the declaration of the chairman as to the result of the vote shall be final.
On a ballot every registered producer entitled to vote shall have one vote plus one additional vote for every ten sheep which are over four months old and are in his possession on such date as the Board may determine for the purpose of any meeting provided that for purposes of voting at Regional Meetings only sheep in the region on the appropriate date shall be counted.
In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or on a ballot, the chairman of the meeting at or following which the vote is taken, shall be entitled to an additional or casting vote.