
Glazing, etc

24.—(1) All parts of walls or partitions sufficiently near to any dipping tub to be liable to be splashed with glaze shall be so tiled or painted or shall be otherwise so constructed or treated that they can be readily and thoroughly cleaned by washing.

(2) All such parts of walls or partitions and every dipping tub or other object liable to be splashed with glaze shall be thoroughly washed daily after dipping has ceased for the day.

(3) Every board used in any place where dipping, drying after dipping, ware-cleaning or glost placing is done, other than a board not so used except for the purpose of conveying articles prior to dipping:—

(a)shall be painted red on both sides for a distance of at least six inches from each end, and

(b)shall not be used in any other department unless it has been thoroughly cleaned since last used in such a place as aforesaid.

(4) Every board on which dipped ware has been placed shall, after each occasion on which it has been used for one set of articles and before it is used for another set, be thoroughly washed by an adult male.

(5) Every mangle-shelf or stillage with fixed shelves used for dipped ware shall be thoroughly washed by an adult male at least once in every week in which it is used for that purpose.

(6) A sponge and bowl of clean water for rinsing the fingers shall be provided on the work-bench beside each person employed in majolica painting or in mottling or in applying glaze by any similar method.

(7) All rubber or other washers used to keep articles apart when being dipped, and all wires used in the process of threading up such washers, shall be thoroughly washed after each dipping.

(8) The requirements of this Regulation shall not apply in the case of a leadless glaze factory.