Regulation 1


PART ITrustee schemes

1.  The Board's part of the pension plan of the Executive Board for the South Wales District (Coal Mines) Scheme, 1930.

2.  The Board's part of the pension scheme of the Monmouthshire and South Wales Coal Owners' Association.

3.  The Board's part of the staff pensions fund of the Monmouthshire and South Wales Coal Owners' Association.

4.  The staff superannuation fund of Newdigate Colliery (1914) Ltd.

PART IIOther schemes

5.  The pension and life assurance scheme of the Chislet Colliery Ltd.

6.  The Board's part of the pension and life assurance scheme of Dorman, Long and Co. Ltd.

7.  The pension and life assurance scheme of Northern Employers' Mutual Indemnity Co. Ltd.

8.  The Board's part of the pension and life assurance scheme of Partridge, Jones and John Paton Ltd.

9.  The pension and life assurance scheme of the Rotherham and District Collieries Association Ltd.

10.  The Board's part of the pension and life assurance scheme of Sadler & Co. Ltd.

11.  The Board's part of the pension and life assurance scheme of the Washington Coal Company Ltd.