
Cleansing and Disinfection

6.—(1) The occupier of any premises on which there are or have been any poultry in respect of which any Notice under Article 4 of this Order has been served shall if so required by notice in writing served by a Veterinary Inspector cleanse and disinfect in accordance with the provisions of the Notice any premises in which the poultry have been placed or kept, and any utensil, appliance or other thing used for or about the poultry. A copy of any such Notice served by a Veterinary Inspector shall with all practicable speed be sent by him to the Local Authority.

(2) A Notice served under this Article may provide that the cleansing and disinfection shall be at the expense of the Minister, or at the expense of the occupier.

(3) If the occupier of any premises fails to cleanse and disinfect the premises, or any utensil, appliance or other thing, when required under this Article, it shall be lawful for the Minister without prejudice to the recovery of any penalty for the infringement of this Article to cause such premises or utensil, appliance or other thing to be cleansed and disinfected, and to recover summarily as a civil debt the expenses of such cleansing and disinfection from the occupier.