The Coal and Other Mines (Locomotives) Order 1956

1.—(1) The provisions set out in the first schedule hereto, being provisions of regulations specified in the second schedule hereto subject to such modifications as aforesaid, are hereby re-enacted and shall have effect as if they were regulations made under section one hundred and forty-one of the Act coming into operation at the commencement of the Act.

(2) The provisions set out in the first schedule hereto may be cited as the Coal and Other Mines (Locomotives) Regulations, 1956.

2.  Any exemption, consent, approval or requirement granted or imposed for the purposes of any provisions of the regulations specified in the second schedule hereto shall, if in force at the commencement of the Act and so far as it could have been granted or imposed for the purposes of the Coal and Other Mines (Locomotives) Regulations, 1956 (whether by that instrument or an instrument to the like effect), have effect as if it had been so granted or imposed.

3.  This order shall come into operation at the commencement of the Act and may be cited as the Coal and Other Mines (Locomotives) Order, 1956.

Aubrey. Jones

Minister of Fuel and Power

Dated this seventh day of November, nineteen hundred and fifty-six