

Movement of vehicles

6.  The manager of every mine shall make and secure the efficient carrying out of arrangements whereby (except in the case of a vehicle being moved by a railway company) no vehicle is moved on a line otherwise than under the charge of a competent person appointed by the manager for that purpose.

7.  No person shall move a vehicle, and no person in charge of a vehicle shall allow it to be moved, on a line by means of a prop or pole unless there is no other practicable method of moving the vehicle.

8.  No person shall couple or uncouple any vehicle in motion in circumstances in which it is practicable to use a coupling pole or other suitable mechanical appliance for that purpose except by means of such a pole or appliance.

9.  In every case in which any person employed at a mine is or might be exposed to risk of injury by reason of the movement on a line of two or more other vehicles pushed by a locomotive, the person in charge of those other vehicles shall—

(a)accompany or precede the leading vehicle, watch the line ahead of it, and give any warning which may be requisite for the purpose of minimising that risk; or

(b)ensure that that vehicle is accompanied or preceded by a person charged by him with the duty of watching the line ahead of it and giving any warning which may be requisite for the purpose aforesaid; or

(c)make and secure the efficient carrying out of any other arrangements whereby that risk is minimised.

10.  In every case in which the movement of a vehicle on a line would be likely to endanger the safety of any person employed at the mine, that movement shall not be made unless appropriate warning has been given to that person by the person in charge of that vehicle.

11.  The manager of every mine shall make and secure the efficient carrying out of arrangements whereby no locomotive or train is, during any period between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise, or in a fog, moved on a line at a part of the mine through which persons pass on foot or at which persons work, being a part at which there is not for the time being sufficient fixed artificial lighting, unless a suitable warning light is fixed to the leading end of that locomotive or train or that end is accompanied or preceded by a person carrying such a light.

12.  Every driver in charge of a locomotive on a line, or a person preceding that locomotive on foot, shall, on approaching any level crossing ordinarily used by persons employed at the mine to cross that line, any curve of the line round which it is not possible to see from the locomotive or any other place at which the safety of any person employed at the mine is likely to be endangered by reason of the movement of the locomotive, give sufficient and timely warning of the approach of that locomotive, being a warning audible to persons for the time being at or near that level crossing, curve, or place (as the case may be).

13.  No person shall move or attempt to move a vehicle on a line by pushing a buffer thereof.

14.—(1) No person shall ride on any buffer of a vehicle in motion on a line (not being a vehicle forming part of a train with respect to which regulation two applies) unless there is a secure hand-hold easily reached by any person riding on that buffer, and no person shall stand on that buffer unless there is also a secure footplace thereon.

(2) No person shall be carried along by a vehicle on a line by riding on a pole, prop or other similar appliance.