The Miscellaneous Mines Order 1956

First aid

71.—(1) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) of section ninety-one of the Act, it shall be the duty of the manager of every mine to secure the provision and maintenance—

(a)on the surface thereat in a place which is readily accessible, of a first aid box or cupboard distinctively marked “First Aid” and containing a copy of any first aid leaflet approved for the purpose by the Minister but otherwise containing nothing except first aid requisites and appliances;

(b)at suitable places below ground thereat, of adequate equipment for rendering first aid; and

(c)both on the surface and below ground in readily accessible places suitable stretchers for the safe removal of persons employed at the mine who suffer bodily injury or become ill.

(2) Every such first aid box or cupboard shall contain—

(a)sterilized dressings of large and small sizes including non-medicated burn dressings;

(b)cotton wool or other material for padding;

(c)roller bandages;

(d)splints (four and a half feet, three feet and one foot), the appropriate triangular bandages therefor and splint padding;

(e)suitable antiseptic and eyedrops;

(f)a tourniquet; and

(g)a bottle of meat extract, coffee extract or other stimulant and a drinking vessel.

(3) The manager shall appoint responsible persons to be in charge of the first aid box or cupboard, so that such a person is readily available at all times at which any person is working in the mine. Every person so appointed shall be the holder of a certificate of proficiency in first aid granted by a society or body approved by the Minister for the purpose.

(4) There shall be provided in the covered accommodation provided in accordance with section one hundred and thirty-five of the Act a notice stating the names of the persons for the time being appointed in pursuance of the last preceding paragraph.

(5) It shall be the duty of the manager of every mine to appoint persons who hold such certificates of proficiency and to make arrangements to secure, so far as practicable, that there is in the mine below ground on each shift one such person for each ten persons in the total number of persons wholly or mainly employed therein on that shift.

(6) It shall be the duty of the manager of a mine to secure the provision of a suitable appliance to minimise discomfort and prevent aggravation of any injury—

(a)at every shaft or unwalkable outlet through which injured persons are raised and in which the cage or carriage is not large enough to permit of a stretcher being laid flat therein;

(b)at every shaft or unwalkable outlet through which persons are raised otherwise than in a cage or carriage;

(c)at every shaft or unwalkable outlet in the course of being sunk or driven; and

(d)in every mine in which workings are steeply inclined.

(7) The owner of every mine shall provide and maintain a suitably constructed ambulance carriage for the conveyance where necessary to hospital or their homes of persons who while employed at the mine suffer bodily injury or become ill, or shall make such arrangements as will provide such a carriage for that purpose promptly from a place within a reasonable distance of the mine.

(8) It shall be the duty of the manager of every mine to make and ensure the efficient carrying out of arrangements whereby he or a competent person appointed by him inspects at intervals not exceeding thirty days all equipment provided at the mine for the purpose of rendering first aid to ensure that it is in conformity with this regulation.

(9) Where an inspector is of opinion that as regards any mine any of the requirements of this regulation may reasonably be suspended or relaxed, he may by notice served on the manager of the mine suspend or relax that requirement to such extent as is specified in the notice.

(10) Every dressing provided in pursuance of this regulation and in respect of which a standard is specified in the British Pharmaceutical Codex shall comply in all respects with that standard.