

Hand Protection

73.  Adequate protection for the hands shall be available for all persons employed when using cutting or welding apparatus to which oxygen or any inflammable gas or vapour is supplied under pressure or when engaged in machine caulking or machine riveting or in transporting or stacking plates or in handling plates at machines.

Protection in connection with cutting or welding

74.—(1) Suitable goggles fitted with tinted eye-pieces shall be provided and maintained for all persons employed when using cutting or welding apparatus to which oxygen or any inflammable gas or vapour is supplied under pressure.

(2) There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons employed when engaged in the process of electric welding—

(a)suitable helmets or suitable head-shields or suitable hand-shields to protect the eyes and face from hot metal and from rays likely to be injurious, and

(b)suitable gauntlets to protect the hands and forearms from hot metal and from rays likely to be injurious.

(3) When electric welding is in progress at any place and persons other than those engaged in that process are employed in a position where the rays are likely to be injurious to their eyes, screens shall, where practicable, be provided at that place for the protection of those persons. Where it is not practicable to provide effective protection of those persons by screening, suitable goggles shall be provided for their use.

Eye protection for other processes

75.  Suitable goggles or effective screens shall be provided to protect the eyes of all persons employed in any of the following processes:—

(a)the cutting out or cutting off of cold rivets or bolts from boilers or other plant or from ships;

(b)the chipping, scaling or scurfing of boilers or ships' plates;

(c)drilling by means of portable machine tools;

(d)dry grinding of metals.

Protection against dust

76.—(1) Breathing apparatus of a type approved for the purpose of this Regulation shall be provided and maintained for the use of every person employed in any of the following kinds of work:—

(a)the application of asbestos by means of a spray;

(b)the breaking down for removal of asbestos lagging;

(c)the cleaning of sacks or other containers which have contained asbestos;

(d)the cutting of material containing asbestos by means of portable power driven saws;

(e)the scaling, scurfing or cleaning of boilers, combustion chambers or smoke boxes, where his work exposes him to dust of such a character and to such an extent as to be likely to be injurious or offensive to persons employed in such work.

(2) It shall be the duty of the persons employed in any of the kinds of work specified in this Regulation to use the breathing apparatus provided for their use in pursuance of this Regulation.