1.  The provisions of the Copyright Act 1956 specified in Part I of the First Schedule hereto shall extend to the Virgin Islands subject to the modifications specified in Part II of that Schedule.

2.  The Copyright (International Conventions) Order 1957(1) as amended(2) the Copyright (International Conventions) (Argentina) Order 1958(3), the Copyright (International Organisations)Order 1957(4) as amended(5) and the Copyright (Broadcasting Organisations) Order 1961(6) (being Orders in Council made under Part V of the said Act) shall extend to the Virgin Islands subject to the relevant modifications specified in the Second Schedule hereto.

3.  The Interpretation Act 1889 shall apply to the interpretation of this Order as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

4.  This Order may be cited as the Copyright (Virgin Islands) Order 1962 and shall come into operation on 11th October 1962.

W. G. Agnew