

6.—(1) The Exportation and Transit of Horses, Asses and Mules Order of 1921(1), as amended.(2), and the Exportation of Horses (Minimum Values) Order 1956(3), are hereby revoked.

(2) Any certificate or licence having effect under the aforesaid Orders or either of them, if in force immediately before the coming into operation of this Order, shall thenceforth have effect under and by virtue of this Article.


(Rev. II, p. 300; 1921 at p. 36).


S.R. & O. 1923/733, 1927/1052, 1937/860, 1940/128 (Rev. II, p. 300; 1923 at p. 73; 1927 p. 92; 1937 p. 206; 1940 I, p. 71); S.I. 1950/677 (1950 I, p. 205).


(1956 I, p. 173).