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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1966 has returned more than 200 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Copyright (International Conventions) (Amendment No. 2) Order 19661966 No. 1185UK Statutory Instruments
    The Air Navigation Order 19661966 No. 1184UK Statutory Instruments
    The Western Pacific (Courts) (Amendment) Order 19661966 No. 1183UK Statutory Instruments
    The Republic of Singapore (Appeals to Judicial Committee) Order 19661966 No. 1182UK Statutory Instruments
    The Swaziland (Appeals to Privy Council) Order 19661966 No. 1181UK Statutory Instruments
    The Swaziland Court of Appeal Order 19661966 No. 1180UK Statutory Instruments
    The Swaziland (Electoral Provisions) Order 19661966 No. 1179UK Statutory Instruments
    The Swaziland (Amendment) Order 19661966 No. 1178UK Statutory Instruments
    The Lesotho (Pending Appeals) Order 19661966 No. 1177UK Statutory Instruments
    The Lesotho (Procedure in Appeals to Judicial Committee of Privy Council) Order 19661966 No. 1176UK Statutory Instruments
    The Botswana (Pending Appeals) Order 19661966 No. 1175UK Statutory Instruments
    The Botswana (Procedure in Appeals to Judicial Committee of Privy Council) Order 19661966 No. 1174UK Statutory Instruments
    The Botswana (Compensation and Retiring Benefits) Order 19661966 No. 1173UK Statutory Instruments
    The Lesotho Independence Order 19661966 No. 1172UK Statutory Instruments
    The Botswana Independence Order 19661966 No. 1171UK Statutory Instruments
    The Swaziland (Benefits under Retirement Scheme) Order 19661966 No. 1170UK Statutory Instruments
    The Bechuanaland Protectorate (Benefits under Retirement Scheme) Order 19661966 No. 1169UK Statutory Instruments
    The Solicitors (Disciplinary Proceedings) Rules 19661966 No. 1168UK Statutory Instruments
    The London Transport (Male Wages Grades Pensions) Order 19661966 No. 1164UK Statutory Instruments
    The Molluscan Shellfish (Control of Deposit) Amendment Order 19661966 No. 1162UK Statutory Instruments

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