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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1967 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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  • Time of results
  • Count of results

The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
The Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Malaysia) Order 19671967 No. 1925UK Statutory Instruments
The Civil Defence (Designation of the Secretary of State) Order 19671967 No. 1924UK Statutory Instruments
The Army Act 1955 (Continuation) Order 19671967 No. 1918UK Statutory Instruments
The Air Force Act 1955 (Continuation) Order 19671967 No. 1917UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia) Order 19671967 No. 1916UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (Virgin Islands) Order 19671967 No. 1915UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (Seychelles) Order 19671967 No. 1914UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (Montserrat) Order 19671967 No. 1913UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (Mauritius) Order 19671967 No. 1912UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (Hong Kong) Order 19671967 No. 1911UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (Gilbert and Ellice Islands) Order 19671967 No. 1910UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (Gibraltar) Order 19671967 No. 1909UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (Fiji) Order 19671967 No. 1908UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (British Solomon Islands Protectorate) Order 19671967 No. 1907UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (British Honduras) Order 19671967 No. 1906UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (Bermuda) Order 19671967 No. 1905UK Statutory Instruments
The Fugitive Offenders (Bahama Islands) Order 19671967 No. 1904UK Statutory Instruments
The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Colonial Government Ships) (Amendment) Order 19671967 No. 1903UK Statutory Instruments
The Commonwealth Countries and Republic of Ireland (Immunities) (No. 3) Order 19671967 No. 1902UK Statutory Instruments
The Merchandise Marks (Imported Goods) No. 7 Order 1934 Amendment Order 19671967 No. 1901UK Statutory Instruments

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