
12.—(1) A person, who may be a man or a woman, approved by the licensing authority (in these Regulations referred to as a matron) shall be in charge of the child at all times during the period beginning with the first and ending with the last performance to which the licence relates except while the child is in the charge of a parent or teacher.

(2) The licensing authority shall not approve a matron unless they are satisfied that she is suitable and competent to exercise proper care and control of a child of the age and sex of the child in question and that she will not be prevented from carrying out her duties towards the child by other activities or duties towards other children.

(3) Without prejudice to the last foregoing paragraph, the licensing authority shall not approve a matron if she is to be in charge of more than eleven other children during the time when she would be in charge of the child in question if approval were given.

(4) The licensing authority shall not approve as matron the private teacher of the child in question if she is to be in charge of more than two other children during the time when she would be in charge of the child if approval were given.

(5) A matron while in charge of a child under this Regulation shall have the care and control of the child with a view to securing his health, comfort, kind treatment and moral welfare.

(6) Where a child suffers any injury or illness while in the charge of a matron or teacher, the holder of the licence shall ensure that the parent of the child named in the application form and the local authority are notified immediately of such injury or illness.