Earliest and latest hours at place of performance and place of rehearsal

23.—(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this Regulation, a child shall not be present at a place of performance or rehearsal after whichever is the earlier of the two following times:—

(a)ten in the evening, if he has not attained the age of thirteen years, or half-past ten if he has;

(b)thirty minutes after the end of his part in the performance or rehearsal or the last performance or rehearsal.

(2) If in order to enable a child to take part in a performance the child's presence at the place of performance is required after the latest permitted time specified in paragraph (1) of this Regulation, he may be present at the place of performance not later than eleven in the evening on not more than three evenings in a week, provided that he is not so present on more than eight evenings in a period of four consecutive weeks.

(3) A child shall not be present at a place of performance or rehearsal before ten in the morning, and on the day immediately following a day on which a child has taken part in a performance or rehearsal he shall not take part in a performance or rehearsal until after the expiration of not less than fourteen hours from the end of his part in the performance or rehearsal in which he last performed on the preceding day.

(4) This Regulation shall not apply with respect to a place of performance or rehearsal where the child lives or receives education in that place.