The Children (Performances) Regulations 1968

Form of licence

3.—(1) A licence granted to an applicant by a licensing authority shall be in the form set out in Schedule 2 to these Regulations or in a form to the like effect.

(2) The licence shall specify the names, dates, places and nature of the performances except that in the case of a licence granted to the British Broadcasting Corporation, the Independent Television Authority, a programme contractor within the meaning of section 1(5) of the Television Act 1964 or a body supplying programmes to such a programme contractor to be broadcast by the Independent Television Authority or a licence authorising a child to take part in a performance to be recorded (by whatever means) with a view to its use in a film intended for public exhibition the licence may, if the applicant so requests in the application form, in lieu of specifying the said dates, specify the number of days on which the child may perform, and the period, not exceeding six months, in which the performances may take place.

(3) One print of the photograph of the child accompanying the application form shall be attached to the licence; the other print shall be retained by the licensing authority.

(4) The licensing authority shall send a copy of the licence to the parent who signed the application form.