1970 No. 1371


The Commons Registration (Finality of Undisputed Registrations) Regulations 1970


Laid before Parliament

Coming into Operation

The Minister of Housing and Local Government and the Secretary of State, in exercise of their respective powers under sections 7(2) and 19(1)(k) of the Commons Registration Act 1965, as read with the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources (Dissolution) Order 19671, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby make the following Regulations:—


These Regulations may be cited as the Commons Registration (Finality of Undisputed Registrations) Regulations 1970, and shall come into operation on 1st October 1970.



The Interpretation Act 1889 applies for the interpretation of these Regulations as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.


In these Regulations “Model Entry” followed by a number means one of the specimen entries so numbered and provided as examples in the Schedule to these Regulations.


Where by virtue of section 7 (Finality of undisputed registrations) of the Commons Registration Act 1965 a registration has become final the registration authority shall indicate that fact in the register in accordance with Model Entry 24, 25 or 26 as appropriate, with such adaptations and modifications (if any) as the circumstances may require.

Given under the official seal of the Minister of Housing and Local Government on 11th September 1970.

Peter WalkerMinister of Housing and Local Government

Given under my hand

Peter ThomasOne of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of StateWelsh Office


Regulation 2

No. 24

For land section of register. The cross-reference “(See entry No. 2 below)” forms part of this model entry.

No. and date of entry

Description of the land, reference to the register map, registration particulars, etc.


10 Jan. 1967 (See entry No. 2 below)

The tract of about 705 acres called Sheepwash Common in the parishes of Nutfield, Gilderdale and East Poppington, Barset, as marked with a green verge line inside the boundary on sheet 8 of the register map and distinguished by the number of this register unit. Registered pursuant to application No. 14 made 2nd January 1967 by the Commons, Open Spaces and Footpaths Preservation Society, Suite 4, 166 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.2.

No. 24


7 Oct. 1970

The registration at entry No. 1 above, being undisputed, became final on 1st October 1970.

No. 25

For rights section of register entry for use where a number of registrations have become final. In each of the registration entries affected, the words “(Registration provisional.)” must be struck through, and a cross-reference made to the entry of finality, as in Model Entries 24 and 26.






No. and date of entry

No. and date of application

Name and address of every applicant for registration, and the capacity in which he applied

Particulars of the right of common, and of the land over which it is exercisable

Particulars of the land (if any) to which the right is attached


20 Oct. 1970

The registrations at entries Nos. 71, 73 and 81 to 110 above, being undisputed, became final on 1st October 1970, and those at Nos. 69 and 72 above, being undisputed, became final on 17th and 19th October 1970 respectively.

No. 26

For ownership section of register. The cross-reference “(See entry No. 4 below)” forms part of this model entry.

No. and date of entry

No. and date of application

Name and address of person registered as owner

Particulars of the land to which the registration applies


21 April 1967 (See entry No. 4 below)


15 April 1967

Francis Romford, Abbeyfield Hall, Firfield, Barset.

The part of the land comprised in this register unit lying west of the line A–B on the register map.

No. 26


6 Oct. 1970

The registration at entry No. 1 above, being undisputed, became final on 1st October 1970.


By section 7 of the Commons Registration Act 1965, if no objection is made to a provisional registration of any land as common land or as a town or village green, or of rights of common over or a claim to ownership of such land, or if all objections (including conflicting registrations taking effect as objections) are withdrawn, the registration becomes final at the end of the period during which objections could have been made, or upon the withdrawal of the only or the last surviving objection, whichever is the later. These Regulations prescribe the manner in which a registration authority is to indicate in the register the fact that an undisputed registration has become final.