This Order, which is made pursuant to the Consular Relations Act 1968, provides, with respect to consular posts of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and persons connected with them, for according privileges and immunities additional to those accorded by Schedule 1 to the Act, namely—
(i)relief from rates and taxes for the residence of members of a consular post;
(ii)exemption from taxation for certain members of the service staff;
(iii)exemption for certain members of the service staff and for certain members of the families of consular employees and service staff forming part of their households from customs duties on articles for their personal use imported at the time of their first arrival;
(iv)diplomatic inviolability and immunity from jurisdiction for certain members of a consular post and members of their families forming part of their households;
(v)diplomatic inviolability for consular premises and residences of consular officers;
(vi)the same treatment in respect of consular communications as is accorded to communications of a diplomatic mission.
It gives effect to the relevant provisions of the Consular Convention between the United Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which was signed at Moscow on 2nd December 1965 (Cmnd. 3804).