The Merchant Shipping (Certificates of Competency as A.B.) Regulations 1970

9.—(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (3) of this Regulation, a person producing a certificate given by the responsible authority showing that he has satisfactorily completed or passed—

(a)a course of pre-sea training at a nautical training school specified in Part I of Schedule 2 to these Regulations, shall be entitled to a reduction—

(i)in the period of qualifying service required under Regulation 8(2)(a) of 4 weeks;

(ii)in the period of qualifying service required under Regulation 8(2)(b), of one month for each period of 4 weeks attendance and training on that course, less any reduction made pursuant to sub-paragraph (i);

(b)both a course described in sub-paragraph (a) and a course of pre-sea training at a training school specified in Part 2 of the said Schedule, shall be entitled to a reduction in the period of qualifying service required under Regulation 8(2)(b) of one month for each period of 4 weeks attendance and training on each of the two courses specified;

(c)as a member of the Sea Cadet Corps the pre-sea training course for Cadet Petty Officers sponsored by that Corps, shall be entitled to a reduction in the period of qualifying service required under Regulation 8(2)(b) of 3 months.

(2) A person who has served at sea in an engine room rating and has satisfactorily completed a conversion course approved by the Board providing training in the duties of a deck rating for persons who have served in an engine room rating shall on producing satisfactory evidence of such service and a certificate given by the responsible authority that he has satisfactorily completed the conversion course be entitled to a reduction in the period of qualifying service required under Regulation 8(2)(b) of—

(a)one week for every complete week's attendance and training on the conversion course subject to a maximum of 4 weeks, and

(b)50 per cent of the total length of his service at sea in an engine room rating subject to a maximum of 6 months.

(3) No person shall be entitled by virtue of the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Regulation to a reduction or reductions of qualifying service exceeding a total of 6 months, or by virtue of the provisions of sub-paragraphs (a) or (b) of that paragraph to a reduction or reductions of qualifying service exceeding the maximum reduction specified in relation to the school attended in the third column of Schedule 2.