The British Transport (Amalgamation of Railways' Pension Funds) (No. 1) Order 1970

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Commencement, citation and interpretation

  3. 2.Amalgamation of pension funds

  4. 3.Members and beneficiaries of the amalgamated fund

  5. 4.Application of existing statutory provisions etc

  6. 5.Investment

  7. 6.Management Committee

  8. 7.General meetings, officers, accounts

  9. 8.Guarantee of solvency

  10. 9.Management expenses

  11. 10.Protection against worsening of position

  12. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

    2. SCHEDULE 2


      1. 1.The Management Committee shall consist of 16 persons, of whom...

      2. 2.The Board's committee-men shall be appointed by the Board from...

      3. 3.Two members' committee-men shall be appointed from time to time...

      4. 4.The Chairman of the Management Committee shall be one of...

      5. 5.The procedure of the Management Committee shall, subject to the...

      6. 6.Six members of the Management Committee (of whom not less...

      7. 7.The decision of the majority of the Management Committee present...

      8. 8.The Management Committee may exercise its powers during and notwithstanding...

      9. 9.Whenever it is necessary for the Management Committee to decide...

    3. SCHEDULE 3


      1. 1.An Annual Meeting of members of the amalgamated fund shall...

      2. 2.Any member desiring to move a resolution at the Annual...

      3. 3.An Extraordinary Meeting of members may from time to time...

      4. 4.The notice convening an Extraordinary Meeting shall specify the business...

      5. 5.(1) The Management Committee when convening any General Meeting shall...

      6. 6.The chairman of every General Meeting shall be the chairman...

      7. 7.(1) Twenty members shall form a quorum at a General...

      8. 8.(1) If within one hour from the time appointed for...

      9. 9.Every resolution moved at a General Meeting shall be decided...

      10. 10.(1) Each member present at a General Meeting shall have...

      11. 11.If a poll be taken, it shall be taken by...

      12. 12.A member may appoint any other member of the section...

      13. 13.The following shall be the form of an instrument of...

      14. 14.Every such instrument of proxy shall be valid until it...

      15. 15.The chairman of a General Meeting at which a quorum...

      16. 16.The declaration by the chairman of a General Meeting that...

      17. 17.Minutes of the proceedings of every General Meeting shall be...

      18. 18.The members in General Meeting shall have no powers except...

    4. SCHEDULE 4


      1. 1.(1) A Secretary of the amalgamated fund shall be appointed...

      2. 2.(1) The Auditors of the amalgamated fund shall be such...

      3. 3.The Management Committee with the assent of the Board shall...

      4. 4.The Medical Officer of the amalgamated fund shall be a...

    5. SCHEDULE 5


      1. 1.The annual accounts of the amalgamated fund shall be prepared...

      2. 2.The annual accounts, together with a report thereon by the...

      3. 3.The appropriate Sectional Committee may in their discretion on the...

      4. 4.(1) The accounts shall be made up separately for each...

      5. 5.The accounts for the LNER section of the amalgamated fund...

  13. Explanatory Note