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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1971 numbered between 200 and 299 has returned 62 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Family Income Supplements (Claims and Payments) Regulations 19711971 No. 227UK Statutory Instruments
    The Family Income Supplements (General) Regulations 19711971 No. 226UK Statutory Instruments
    The Family Income Supplements Act 1970 (Commencement) Order 19711971 No. 225 (C. 5)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Northern Pennines Rural Development Board (Dissolution) Order 19711971 No. 224UK Statutory Instruments
    The Approved Schools and Classifying Centres (Contributions by Local Authorities) Regulations 19711971 No. 222UK Statutory Instruments
    The Civil Defence (Posts and Telecommunications) Regulations 19711971 No. 221UK Statutory Instruments
    The Jurors' Allowances (Scotland) Regulations 19711971 No. 220 (S. 34)UK Statutory Instruments
    Act of Sederunt (Legal Aid Fees) 19711971 No. 219 (S. 17)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Lands Tribunal for Scotland Rules 19711971 No. 218 (S. 35)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention) (Various Countries) Order 19711971 No. 217UK Statutory Instruments
    The Merchant Shipping (Load Lines Convention) (Various Countries) Order 19711971 No. 216UK Statutory Instruments
    The Lands Tribunal Act 1949 (Appointed Day) (Scotland) Order 19711971 No. 215 (C. 4)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Judicial Committee (Medical Rules) Order 19711971 No. 214UK Statutory Instruments
    The Judicial Committee (Fees) Rules 19711971 No. 213UK Statutory Instruments
    The Northern Ireland (Crown Proceedings) (Amendment) Order 19711971 No. 212UK Statutory Instruments
    The Consular Fees Order 19711971 No. 211UK Statutory Instruments
    The Lands Tribunal (Temporary Provisions) Rules 19711971 No. 209UK Statutory Instruments
    The Wages Regulation (Sack and Bag) Order 19711971 No. 207UK Statutory Instruments
    Act of Sederunt (Rules of Court Amendment No. 3) 19711971 No. 203 (S. 32)UK Statutory Instruments
    Act of Sederunt (Rules of Court Amendment No. 2) 19711971 No. 202 (S. 31)UK Statutory Instruments

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