
2.—(1) These Regulations shall be read as one with the Commonwealth Telegraphs (Cable and Wireless Ltd. Pension) Regulations 1955(1) (hereinafter called “the principal Regulations”) .

(2) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them:

the appointed day” means the 1st October 1969, being the day appointed under section 1 of the Post Office Act 1969 for the purposes of that Act;

the Minister” means the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, and “the Ministryshall be construed accordingly;

the paying authority” in relation to a transferee who on the appointed day enters into the service of the Post Office means the Post Office, and in relation to one who remains in the employment of the civil service of the State means the Minister;

the Post Office” means the authority established under section 6 of the Post Office Act 1969;

the Post Office Staff Superannuation Scheme” means the pension scheme established under Section 43(1) of the Post Office Act 1969.

(3) The Interpretation Act 1889, applies for the interpretation of these Regulations as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.


(1955 I, p. 500).