

PART IParticulars to be contained in the accounts to be delivered or made out under subsections (1) and (2) of section 8 of the Act

1.  Name of the seaman and—

(a)his reference number in the crew agreement;

(b)his income tax code;

(c)his national insurance number, and the dates on which his national insurance contributions commenced and ceased.

2.  Name of the fishing vessel and

(a)its port of registry;

(b)its port number;

(c)the name and address of its owner, managing owner, ship's husband or manager;

(d)dates of commencement and of close of voyage.

PART IIFurther particulars to be contained in the account of wages to be delivered under section 8(1) of the Act

Particulars of employment

1.  Capacity in which the seaman was employed.

2.  Date when employment commenced and ceased and total period of employment in which wages were earned, showing separately the dates of the beginning and end of any period in which wages were not earned.


3.  Sums payable under each allotment note, date when the first payment was due, the intervals between payments, and the total of all such sums.

Gross Wages

4.  Total amount of gross wages earned with, shown separately and with sufficient detail to indicate how each is calculated, the total amounts in respect of—

(a)the wages at the rate specified in the crew agreement;

(b)increases in wages;

(c)leave pay;


(e)any other earnings except any which are in any manner related to the catch.


5.  Deductions authorised by regulations 6 and 7, specifying separately the nature of each deduction and showing the total amount in respect of each deduction.

6.  Deductions authorised by enactments other than the Act, specifying the nature of the deduction and showing the total amount in respect of each deduction.

7.  Amount of net wages paid in accordance with a previous account.

8.  Total of amounts deducted from gross wages.

Net wages

9.  Total amount of net wages payable at the time when the account is delivered or made out.

Special retentions

10.  Amount of net wages retained pursuant to a notice (relating to a claim for maintenance etc. of the seaman's dependants) under section 183 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 (having effect as set out in Schedule 5 to the Ministry of Social Security Act 1966) or under section 17 of the Act, stating by whom any such notice was served.

Balance payable

11.  Balance of wages payable at the time when the account is delivered or made out.

PART IIIParticulars to be contained in the account of wages to be delivered or made out under section 8(2) of the Act where the wages of any person employed in a fishing vessel are in any manner related to the catch

Profits of voyage

1.  Gross receipts in respect of the catch or that part of the catch to which the account relates with, shown separately and with sufficient detail to show how each amount is calculated, the total amounts received for and the dates of sale of—

(a)fish sold for cash;

(b)fish sold on credit.

2.  Expenses of or in relation to the voyage or the catch, which are chargeable against the gross receipts, showing each expense separately and with sufficient detail to show how it is calculated.

3.  The net sum available for distribution as wages.

Wages due to each seaman

4.  The amount of wages related to the catch due to each seaman being a proportion of the net sum available for distribution of wages with sufficient particulars to show how each amount is determined.

5.  Where any wages are earned in addition to those related to the catch, such of the particulars specified in paragraphs 1 to 4 of Part II of this Schedule as are applicable.

6.  Total of gross wages.

Deductions from wages due to each seaman

7.  Where any deductions referred to in paragraphs 6 to 8 of Part I of this Schedule are to be made from the wages, the particulars specified in those paragraphs.

Net wages

8.  Total amount of net wages payable at the time when the account is delivered or made out.

Special retention

9.  Amount of net wages retained pursuant to any such notice as is referred to in paragraph 10 of Part II of this Schedule, stating by whom such notice was served.

Balance payable

10.  Balance payable at the time when the account is delivered or made out.