Subject to the provisions of these Regulations, the increase that may be made in a judicial pension under the 1971 Act shall be the amount necessary to bring the annual rate up to that arrived at by applying the multiplier given, for the period in which the pension began, in column 3 of the table set out below the description of the pension in the Schedule to these Regulations—


in a case where the multiplier is not marked with an asterisk, to the basic rate of the pension, or


in a case where the multiplier is marked with an asterisk, to the 1971 rate with the addition (if any) to be made to that rate under section 6(5) of the 1971 Act.


Where a judicial pension begins after the last, or only, date given in column 2 of the table relating to the pension in the Schedule to these Regulations, no increase shall be payable on that pension under the 1971 Act.